Bicycles have become a popular and convenient mode of transportation, especially in cities that have a lot of vehicular traffic. They are environmentally friendly and leave little to no carbon footprint. However, cyclists are also not spared from the dangers of the road. Due to limited shielding, the injuries sustained during a bicycle accident can be much more severe. If you are a victim, who has sustained damages due to someone else’s fault, you have the right to get compensated for your injuries and loss. Also, it is highly recommended to hire a lawyer as soon as possible, because the legal process can get very complicated. Here are some scenarios where you should consider hiring a Los Angeles bicycle accident lawyer from Grayson & Grayson:

  • Your Insurance Company Offers a Lowball Compensation:

Insurance companies do not like to pay expensive claims and always look for ways to reduce compensation. An experienced Los Angeles bicycle accident lawyer from Grayson & Grayson will fight your claim with the insurance company and make sure that you end up with the right compensation.

  • Your Insurance Company Denies your Claim:

There are some cases where an insurance company straight denies a claim for various reasons such as the inability to prove liability or injury denial. When you know that you are a victim and have the right to be compensated, a lawyer can be of much help.

  • You need to determine the Fault for your Accident:

If you are having difficulties identifying liability or fault for your accident, our expert Los Angeles bicycle accident lawyer can help you determine the one who is at fault, especially if multiple parties are involved in the accident.

  • You have Doubts Regarding your Claim:

A knowledgeable lawyer will provide you with a rough estimate of the compensation you deserve and explain the factors used to determine that amount. A lawyer will also explain the legal process to you and offer legal advice and guidance along the way.

Hire the Best Bicycle Accident Lawyer:

Grayson & Grayson has some of the best Los Angeles bicycle accident lawyers with over 35 years of experience and expertise. We have enough resources to gather the necessary evidence and prove liability. Our client loyalty spans over three generations, proving how well we work for the cases. Your recovery is our top priority, so leave the legal work to us and focus on getting better. Call 818-809-2223 to book a free consultation.

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